2010년 4월 11일 일요일

2007년 7월 5일 목요일

2007년 7월 3일 화요일

2007년 6월 19일 화요일

Fire Extinguishers in Korea

Almost all of Korean people are very, really very reluctant to replace their existing fireextinguishers with completely new ones, their fire extinguishers are almost out order and will not be satisfactorily operated, just in jthe emergency of fire-occurred...
Also every fire-fighters in Korean Fire Adminstrations in every city and even rural areas,does not care about the real situation about the fire extinguishers, installed nearby...
Even they do know exactly about the function of the fire extinguishers, therefore theyneglect for the careful repair/maintenance/operation, because they are worry about theirjob-losing as fire fighters, if no more fires occurs in daily life...
Really I would say that they hope or wish that so many fires would occur, in order toshow their activities in the television more frequently and also in order not to losetheir jobs as fire fighters.. Especially I think the situation would deteriorate in thefuture, as nowadays It is very difficult to get a job in this terrible korean economy..
Therefore I can find many departments regarding fire fighting in the college or universitiesin Korea are spreading all over the Korean Penninsula...
I think It is crazy to shout about Dok-D0, while they neglect their duties or obligations torepair or maintain their fire extinguishers with new ones, with so cheap and neglectable price for fire extinguishers13,500Won in the Internet market, such as Interpark(www.gmarket.co.kr) and other internetauction sites...
If you have the intention to buy the fire fighting Extinguishers for yourself or yourfamily or your colleagues or your company, I would sell the fire extinguisher with drypowder chemical at the price of 13,000 won per unitexactly 3.3kgs, for abt types of fire suppresssion> and delivery cost by TaekBae<택배비>to any place, except island, is exactly 3,500Won per unitcosts will be completely lowered as per the quantities you want>>
As the representative of kffc, Korea fire fighting corporation, I would strongly warn youthat you should replace the existing your fire extinguishers with completely new ones,otherwise, you would be killed by fire that will be happened by the faults of your neighbors/pass-bys/mountain-climbers/farmers/carefulless your families/ or even by yourselves...
This is also the final announcement from the Zephyr Archangel of Heaven, just came here forthis warning and business, just before the 10th Archangel will come down on you with reallybig firess, such as Atomic bombs, Earth-quakes, volcanoes, machine guns from wars of world,or huge planet crushing on this terrible earth from Sun>>